I don't like flavored creamer and this one is a good sweet creamer and not many points.

You can have up to 6 T. for 2 points.

6 WW points but so good! Worth it!

one cookie is 3 points, 2 for 5 points

Each pastry is 3 points and super yummy warmed up for about 10 seconds in the microwave.

Love, love these! I love to have a tiny bit of chocolate after dinner and I can have one of these for 1 point or three for 4 points.

Two for 2 points and a sweet, yummy treat!

1/2 cup for 3 points

1 point per tortilla

I use them for sandwiches, pizza quesadillas, and breakfast wraps.

2 points for the whole sheet

I love to make chips with these. 

Put the sheet on a cooking sheet.

Spray and season each side with olive oil spray and the seasoning of your choice.

Then cut with a pizza cutter. 

Cook on about 415 degrees for about 5 minutes. 

WATCH CLOSELY!!! They go from not done to burned in the blink of an eye!

1 wedge is 1 point

I love these! So creamy and good!

So sweet and good! I love putting in on toast for a sweet, easy treat for breakfast

This is one of the seasonings I use on my lavash chips.

1 point per slice

You get more bang for your buck with this Great Value product as opposed to PB2. 

16 g for 1 point

33 g for 2 points

1/2 c = 1 point

These are very good and super low point!